Peer-reviewed* Journal Articles
- * Keune, A., (2021) Fabric-based computing: (Re)examining the materiality of computer science learning through fiber crafts. Künstliche Intelligenz, 0(0), 0-0. Doi: 10.1007/s13218-021-00747-1
- * Peppler, K., Keune, A., Dahn, M., Bennet, D., Letournau, S. (2021). Designing for Interpersonal Connections to Support Empathy in Museum Engineering Exhibits. Information and Learning Sciences, 0(0), 0-0. Doi: 10.1108/ILS-07-2021-0061.
- * Keune, A., Yankova, N., & Peppler, K. (2021). #quiltsforpulse: Connected and shared production-centered socio-political activism through craftivism. Learning, Media and Technology, 0, 1-17. Doi: 10.1080/17439884.2021.1961147.
- * Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Han, A. (2021). Cultivating Data Visualization Literacy in Museums. Information and Learning Sciences, 122 No. 1/2, 1-16. Doi: 10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0132.
- * Keune, A., Peppler, K., & Wohlwend, K. (2019). Recognition in makerspaces: Supporting opportunities for women to “make” a STEM career. Computers and Human Behavior. 99, 368-380. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2019.05.013
- * Keune, A. & Peppler, K. (2019). Materials-to-develop-with: The making of a makerspace. The British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), pp. 280–293. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12702
- * Peppler. K. & Keune, A. (2019). “It helps create and enhance a community”: Youth motivations for making portfolios. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 26(3), 234-248. doi: 10.1080/10749039.2019.1647546
- * Wohlwend, K., Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Thompson, N. (2017). Making sense and nonsense: Comparing mediated discourse and agential realist approaches to materiality in a preschool makerspace. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 17(3), 444-462. doi: 10.1177/1468798417712066
- D’Urzo, S., Foster, J., Keune, A., Peppler, K., & Stutzman, A. (2016). Makerspaces: Providing Pennsylvania practical prefiguration. Techniques, 91(6), pp. 25-27.
- * Leinonen, T., Keune, A., Veermans, M., & Toikkanen, T. (2016). Mobile apps for reflection in learning: A design research in K‐12 education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(1), 184–202. doi:10.1111/bjet.12224
- * Raike, A., Keune, A., Lindholm, B., & Muttilainen, J. (2013). Concept design for a collaborative digital learning tool for film post-production. Journal of Media Practice, 14(4), 307–329. doi:10.1386/jmpr.14.4.307_1
- Peppler, K., Rowsell, J., & Keune, A. (2020). Editorial: Advancing posthumanist perspectives on technology‐rich learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 1240-1245. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12979
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Keune, A. & Peppler, K., (2020). Computing in fabric: Exploring posthumanist capturing of learning. In M. Gresalfi & I. Horn (Eds.), The interdisciplinarity of the learning sciences: International conference of the learning sciences (ICLS) 2020. Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences (online format, proceedings published).
- Keune, A. & Peppler, K., (2020).Tuning into the craft: Materials as a driver of learning computing. In M. Gresalfi & I. Horn (Eds.), The interdisciplinarity of the learning sciences: International conference of the learning sciences (ICLS) 2020. Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences (online format, proceedings published).
- Keune, A., Yankova, N., & Peppler, K., (2020). #quiltsforpulse: Investigating quilting processes to inform community-based engagement. In M. Gresalfi & I. Horn (Eds.), The interdisciplinarity of the learning sciences: International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020. Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences (online format, proceedings published).
- Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Han, A. J. (2020). Civic engagement with visualizing data in science museums. In M. Gresalfi & I. Horn (Eds.), The interdisciplinarity of the learning sciences: International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020. Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences (online format, proceedings published).
- Peppler, K., Keune, A., Dahn, M., Bennett, D., Letourneau, S., (2020). Designing for empathy in engineering exhibits. In C. Girvan, J. R. Byrne, B. Tangney, & V. Dagiené (Eds.), Exploring, Testing and Extending our Understanding of Constructionism: Constructionism 2020 (pp. 80-81). Dublin, Ireland: ACM (conference canceled, proceedings published).
- Keune, A. & Peppler, K. (2019). Child-material computing: Material collaboration in fiber crafts. In K. Lund, E. Lavoué, G. P. Niccolai (Eds.), A wide lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings: International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019. Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Peppler, K., Keune, A., Wohlwend, K., Rowsell, J., & Goldstone. R. (2019). Posthumanist perspectives on learning. In K. Lund, E. Lavoué, G. P. Niccolai (Eds.), A wide lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings: International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019 (pp. 1039). Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences. [pre-conference workshop]
- Sedas, M., Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Uttamchandani, S. (2019). Balancing the Scales: Implications of Model Size for Mathematical Engagement. In K. Lund, E. Lavoué, G. P. Niccolai (Eds.), A wide lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings: International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019. Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Keune, A., Thompson, N., Faimon, L., & Peppler, K. (2019). Fiber Crafting STEM Learning. In J. Kalir & Filipaik, D. (Eds.), Connected Learning Summit: Create. Play. Mobilize. (CLS) 2019 (pp. 270-271). Irvine, CA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.
- Faimon, L., Keune, A., & Peppler, K., (2019). Motivating Computational Weaving: Intersections of Goals and Environmental Aspects to Deepen Engagement. In J. Kalir & Filipaik, D. (Eds.), Connected Learning Summit: Create. Play. Mobilize. (CLS) 2019 (pp. 221). Irvine, CA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.
- Fields, D., Kafai, Y., Keune, A., Peppler, K., Lindberg, L., Shaw, M., Coleman, J., Dahn, M., DeLiema, D., Tanenbaum, T. (2019) Artistry, and Affect in Computing. In J. Kalir & Filipaik, D. (Eds.), Connected Learning Summit: Create. Play. Mobilize. (CLS) 2019 (pp. 247). Irvine, CA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.
- Keune, A. (2018). Fabric-based computing: New materials for learning computer science. In J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the Learning Sciences count: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018 (Vol. 3, pp. 1879). London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences. ISBN: 978-1-7324672-2-4
- Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Whiting, J. (2018). Mobility, Diversity, and Openness: Distilling Design Principles for Equitable and Accessible Makerspaces. In J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the Learning Sciences count: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018 (Vol. 3, pp. 1519-1520). London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences. ISBN: 978-1-7324672-2-4
- Keune, A. & Peppler, K. (2017). Maker Portfolios as Learning and Community Building Tools Inside and Outside Makerspaces. In B. K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier, & K. Lim (Eds.), Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL: The International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2017 (Vol. 2, pp. 545-548). Pittsburgh, PA: International Society of the Learning Sciences. ISBN: 978-0-9903550-2-1
- Litts, B., Kafai, Y. B., Fields, D. A., Halverson, E. R., Peppler, K., Keune, A. Tissenbaum, M., Grimes, S. M., Chang, S., Regalla, L., Telhan, O., & Tan, M. (2016). Connected making: Designing for youth learning in online maker communities in and out of schools. In Looi, C.-K., Looi, C. K., Polman, J. L., Cress, U., and Reimann, P. (Eds.), Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016, Vol. 2, pp. 1041-1047. Singapore: International Society of the Learning Sciences. ISBN: 978-0-09903550-8-3
- Keune, A., Gomoll, A., & Peppler, K. (2015). Flexibility to learn: Material artifacts in makerspaces. In P. Blikstein, M. Berland, & D. A. Fields (Eds.), Equity and Diversity in Making: FabLearn 2015 Conference on Creativity and Fabrication in Education. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University.
- Toikkanen, T., & Keune, A. (2014). Designing Edukata: a method for educators to create learner-centered activities. In EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 (pp. 1476-1483). Tampere, Finland: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- McNicol, S., Lewin, C., Keune, A., & Toikkanen, T. (2014). Facilitating student reflection through digital technologies in the iTEC project: Pedagogically-led change in the classroom. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Technology-Rich Environments for Learning and Collaboration: Learning and Collaboration Technologies (LCT) 2014 (Vol 2, pp. 297-308). Crete, Greece: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-07485-6
- Keune, A., Lindholm, B., Muttilainen, J., & Raike, A. (2013). Concept design for a collaborative digital learning tool for film post-production. In R. Smeds & O. Irrmann (Eds.), Co-create 2013: The Boundary-Crossing Conference on Co-Design in Innovation (pp. 601-612). Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University publication series. Science + Technology 15/2013, ISBN 978-952-\60-5236-6
- Toikkanen, T., & Keune, A. (2013). Ambient awareness of classroom activities. Designing mobile face-to-face group interactions workshop, In M. Korn, T. Colombino, M. Lewkowicz (Eds.), 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 109). Paphos, Cyprus.
- Keune, A., & Leinonen, T. (2013). Square1 prototype: Build your own devices for collaborative learning. In Interaktiivinen Tekniikka Koulutuksessa (ITK) 2013 (pp. 93-99). Hämeenlinna, Finland. ISBN 978-951-44-9202-0
- Keune, A., Leinonen, T., & Purma, J. (2012). Design research on media tools for reflection in learning. In R. Ørngreen (Ed.), Designs for Learning: 3rd International Conference Exploring Learning Environments 2012 (pp. 101-103). Copenhagen, Denmark: Aalborg Universitet København. ISBN 978-87-995328-0-3
- Keune, A., Leinonen, T., & Castro Pelayo, B. (2010). Filming a New Beginning: Prototyping a Critical Thinking Practice with Indian Families in Chennai. In Lens Conference: Sustainability in Design: NOW. Bangalore, India: Srishti Institute of Art, Design, and Technology.
Peer-reviewed and Invited* Book Chapters
- * Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Thompson, N. (2020). Reclaiming traditionally feminine practices and materials for STEM learning through the modern maker movement. In N. Holbert, M. Berland, & Y. Kafai (Eds.), Designing Constructionist Futures: The Art, Theory, and Practice of Learning Designs (pp. 127-139). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- * Wohlwend, K., Keune, A., & Peppler, K. (2019). We need it loud: Looking at preschool making from mediated and materialist perspectives. In M. Sakr & J. Osgood (Eds.) Postdevelopmental approaches to early childhood art. London, UK: Bloomsbury.
- Keune, A., Thompson, N., Peppler, K., & Chang, S. (2017). “My portfolio helps my making”: Motivations and mechanisms for documenting creative projects in out-of-school makerspaces. In L. Mikos & I. Eleá (Eds.), Young and creative: Digital technologies empowering children in everyday life (pp. 145–158). Gothenburg, Sweden: Nordicom.
- * Keune, A. (2017). Portfolios (especially online or e-portfolios). In K. Peppler (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of out-of-school learning (pp. 246-247). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- Tan, V., Keune, A., & Peppler, K. (2017). The materiality of design in e-textiles. In S. Goldman & Z. Kabayadondo (Eds) Taking design thinking to school (pp. 180-194). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Wohlwend, K., Keune, A., Peppler, K. (2016). Design Playshop: Preschoolers Making, Playing and Learning with Squishy Circuits. In K. Peppler, Y. Kafai, E. Halverson (Eds.), Makeology: Makerspaces as Learning Environments Volume 1 (pp. 83-96). New York, NY: Routledge.
- * Toikkanen, T., Keune, A., & Leinonen. T. (2015). Edukata: A participatory design model for creating learning activities. In F. Van Assche, L. Anido, D. Griffths, C. Lewin, & S. McNicol (Eds) Re-engineering the uptake of ICT in schools (pp. 41-58). Springer Open.
- Keune, A., & Toikkanen, T. (2013). Edukata™ – The Innovative Learning Activity Design Toolkit. Designing the Future Classroom, 1, 8. European Schoolnet (EUN Partnership AISBL).
- Corneli, J., Danoff, C., Keune, A., & Lyons, A. (2012). Peeragogy in action – peer produced learning. In K. Braybrooke, J. Nissilä & T. Vuorikivi (Eds.), The open book – publication on open knowledge (pp. 94–100). London, U.K.: The Finnish Institute.
- * Keune, A. (2012). Appendix: Co-creation, co-governance and peer-to-peer production of public services – Seminar Report. In A. Botero, A. Paterson & J. Saad-Sulonen (Eds.), Towards peer production in public services: Cases from Finland (pp. 126–129). Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University. ISBN 978-952-60-4663-1
Open Access* Practitioner Reports
- Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Dahn, M. (2019). AISL NYSCI summative evaluation report: Designing for narrative and cultivating empathy in museum-based settings: supporting girls’ engagement in engineering practices. Deliverable to the New York Hall of Science as part of National Science Foundation project #1712803.
- Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Han, A. (2019) AISL II CNS Phase 1 Learning Sciences Research Report. Project deliverable for National Science Foundation project #1713567.
- * Peppler, K., Keune, A., & Chang, S. (2018). Open portfolios research brief series 2. Oakland, CA: Maker Education Initiative.
- * Chang, S., Keune, A., Peppler, K., & Regalla, L. (2014). Open portfolios research brief series 1. Oakland, CA: Maker Education Initiative.
- * Keune, A., Toikkanen, T., & Leinonen, T. (2014). D3.4: Edukata participatory design model – Facilitator guide for designing learning activities. Deliverable to the European Commission.
- * Toikkanen, T. & Keune, A. (2014). D3.3: Final report on iTEC prototyping. Deliverable to the European Commission.
- * Keune, A., Toikkanen, T., & Leinonen, T. (2012). D3.2: Report on design prototypes and challenges for education. Deliverable to the European Commission.
- * Keune, A., & Toikkanen, T. (2012). Learning stories and activities 4: Real word challenges. Deliverable to the European Commission.
- * Keune, A., Toikkanen, T., & Leinonen, T. (2012). Learning stories and activities 3: Design at school. Deliverable to the European Commission.
- * Keune, A., Toikkanen, T., Purma, J., & Leinonen, T. (2011). D3.1: Report on design prototypes and challenges for education. Deliverable to the European Commission.
- * Keune, A., Toikkanen, T., & Leinonen, T. (2011). Learning stories and activities 2: Learning individually and in teams. Deliverable to the European Commission.
- * Keune, A., Toikkanen, T., Leinonen, T., & Purma, J. (2011). Learning stories and activities 1: Outside expert/outdoor study. Deliverable to the European Commission.